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DAF XD Electric

Alternative fuels and drivelines

DAF Sustainable Road Transport Solutions


DAF is taking you on the road to an even cleaner future

Someone once said we have not inherited the earth from our ancestors but are borrowing it from our children. We all need to share the responsibility for caring for our beautiful planet so that we can pass it on to our children and future generations.

When we zoom in on the transport sector it is clear that all parties, including truck manufacturers and transport companies, are doing their utmost to reduce CO2 emissions and lessen their effect on the environment, including the air quality in our cities.


Multiple technologies

DAF and its parent company PACCAR are focused on introducing and developing new solutions for clean and sustainable road transport. Because there is no one-sizefits- all solution for all transport applications, we are developing several different avenues: from fully electric to hybrid, and from hydrogen engines to hydrogen fuel cells.

At the same time, the internal combustion engine will become even cleaner and more sustainable, especially when powered by waste-stream harvested HVO or, in the more distant future, renewable so-called e-fuels.

Whichever technology is most suitable for your operations, DAF is your energy transition partner of choice, ready to partner with you to develop your sustainable transport solutions. This includes offering a full suite of EV chargers, dedicated driver trainings and a comprehensive consultation on how to optimally plan and integrate new technologies into your transport operations and planning.

DAF. Your trusted partner in the energy transition.
Now and in the future.


On the road to cleaner future

We need to focus on reducing CO2 emissions. This is a global challenge. In addition, we need to take action regarding the air quality in our cities – this includes emissions such as nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM). This is a local issue.